Finch Origination


Lead origination at a lower cost.


Our comparison platforms are at your service, driven by our engine that uses a completely unique algorithm. Our platforms are contracted with over 75 financial service partners looking for traffic and offer the perfect marketplaces for consumers in South Africa.

Our leading marketplaces in South Africa include:

You can become an affiliate, or white label our solution today by getting in touch.

Finch Origination
Gathr Solution Full Stack
Gathr Solution Full Stack


Full digital onboarding for any lead.


Over 40% of applicants do not get the product they want and need because of a frustrating onboarding process. Together with our partners, we have built a slick digital onboarding product called Gathr.

Key features of Gathr:

Identity Verification

Identity verification and home affairs check.

Transaction Verification

Banking transaction verification through Online Access, PDF Access and Photo.

Proof of Address

Proof of address through document reading and verification

Academy Mockup


Leveraging our consumer insights towards improving financial literacy.

Using our consumer-initiated marketplace platforms and tools like Gathr, we build educational resources from the learnings. Any employer or financial-and-consumer service providers can licence or buy these resources to provide interactive and gamified learning experiences for employees or customers.

Academy Mockup



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